Getting Started

To get started install the application.  

Once Installed click the    button to begin the setup.

You then import the folders you want to sync. All Ableton Live projects inside a folder you select will be synced.

Note that PARENT project folders (and their sub folders) are watched. That way new Ableton Live Projects you save are automatically synced.

Also note that MAKID only watches for Ableton Live project changes while it is running. This is why on boot there is a loading process that occurs. If any projects are changed or new projects are created, MAKID searches for them in the directories that have currently been synced with MAKID.

WARNING: MAKID currently does not support moving projects in your file system. If you move your projects they will be out of sync and no longer have the same MAKID data. This will be fixed.



If your project folder has a .mp3/.wav file in it. Then it will enable you to play it directly through MAKID by right clicking the row then pressing

If there are multiple .mp3/.wav files in the project folder then it will play the most recently modified file.


Through search you are able to filter based on the following fields: Name, Tempo, Genre, Status, and Tags.


You are able to group projects into collections for organization. You can accomplish this through right clicking on the project row and clicking

You can see your collections by clicking on the icon in the far left of the table header row. This is called the collection view/mode. Collections will always be shown at the top in collection mode.

Nested Collections

A popular use case is having several different artist aliases. You can account for this through nested collections. You are able to move collections into other collections via the same button. You are able to have about 20 nested levels of collections.

Drill Down

Sometimes you only want to see a specific collection. You can do this by double clicking on your collection row. You can then search through just this collection as if it was your entire MAKID library. You are also able to click the to see only the projects within the drilled down collection.